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I've been using it on my whitetail bow this season, but has been one of those years with lots of passing and no shooting. The big bucks just haven't cooperated--damned trail cameras... Maybe it would be better just not to know what's out there, then I likely would have shot. I did shoot a fall turkey with the system, attached.
Have a good one,
This is that picture of that 40 yard group I shot in a 40 yard tournament. I was using your Peep Eliminator and the Spot Hogg front sight.
Click on images to enlarge.
Mel, this last August, I was fortunate enough to shoot a 65 yard shot and harvest this 423 SCI bull elk. Best shot I have ever made. I used your Peep Eliminator Sight. I thought you would like to know. Thanks Roger.
Click on images to enlarge.
A blind archer, Mr. Cameron Dean harvested this antelope with 15" horn, 39 yard double lung shot, in Wyoming. Skip, his spotter said the antelope went about 80 years before he piled up. Cameron was shooting a left hand bow right-handed, using the Peep Eliminator. This allowed his spotter to have clear vision of his sight pins and the target to make the accurate shot.
I met Cameron at the ATA show in Indiana. The gentleman with Cameron explained to me the problem the spotters are having aiming with a peep sight. I told him to have Cameron shoot a left-hand bow right-handed, this would put his sights and target in clear view for the spotter.
He asked, "Will that work?" I said, "Sure it will, go down to my shooting booth and have him shoot a left-hand bow right-handed."
When they came back to my booth, the expression on Mr. Cameron's face told the whole story. He said he shot three shots, one standing and two shots sitting, all were in the bulls eye. Before Cameron left he said "When I harvest my animal this year I will send you some pictures." And indeed, I received these pictures.
Since that time Mr. Cameron Dean has passed away, "Go rest his soul." I know he still has those memorable moments with him.Click on images to enlarge.
Click on images to enlarge.
This was a great shoot out thanks to your rifle site. Here are the pictures from Michael McDonald Pro Staff Shooter Libsaver. 80 targets tied for first place and had shoot our and I won. Thanks to your rifle site I had the winning shoot.
Hi there Mel from Tigerbow Pro Shop, I've used your Peep Eliminator® in two 3D shoots - the Hellhole 90 Targets Unmarked Duncan BC third place and Nanamio BC 3D Summer Classic 100 Unmarked Targets first place. These are high profile shoots to place.
Thanks to your Peep Eliminator® my range was easier to find. I am a pro staff shooter for Limbsaver Bows. I shot the DZ32 Dead Zone with Sureloc Scope BlackEagle and your Peep Eliminator® original Multi Dot design.
Thanks to your design, distance is now easier and more consistent.
Here's turkey number 1 and 2 I took in KY this last week. Also took a doe on the last day of the hunt. Saw some 7 and 6 pointers, but nothing worth taking.
next big thing in archeryI have to tell you, your site is destined to be the next big thing in archery. I took this bird at 37 and the second at 31 yds, both were right on the money. Also perfect placement on the doe. My confidence level is higher than it's ever been and I have my wife shooting darts from 30yds after 3 weeks of shooting her bow. I'll call you tomorrow as we just got back into town today and am exhausted.
Turkey was harvested at 78 yards shooting down the mountain side.
All the best and pics of 2 of my personal best - shot 3 weeks ago in KC and MO. Peep Eliminaror rocks...DL
Click on images to enlarge.
Melvin J. Deien
First off let me start out by apologizing for the extensively delayed response of feedback for the requested product evaluation of the Peep Eliminator®. As noted before I was waiting for Browning to send me the Illusion and I didn't received it until two weeks ago and not the predicted February date as stated previously. However, due to the warmer weather, availability of time, and delivery of the bow I was able to evaluate your product.
To say the least the Peep Eliminator® is an excellent tool for archery and hunting excellence. Upon delivery I was concerned with low light shooting and ease of use with a multi-pin site. After shooting my bow with the Peep Eliminator® there is clearly no use for the aged peep site. I have had difficulty with other peep site systems in the past, especially with low light conditions. The old style peep site was difficult to look through and see the site and the game all in one line of sight. The site would either be too bright and/or not bright enough. With this problematic difficulty I was in need of a new innovative alternative to compensate for a lack of light availability and ease of use without giving up dependability for extreme uses.
From the installation all the way to sighting in at a 70 yard shot I had found no problems with the Peep Eliminator®. The installation of the product was clearly stated on the back of the package in the instructions. The process of getting it on my bow was as easy as any other installation process. From the installation to getting to shoot accurately took no longer than ten minutes and maybe 25 shots. I found that the allen-wrench adjustments of the peep eliminator® made it easy to change in the field and also reaffirmed my confidence of a piece of equipment that will hold up to harsh hunting uses.
Along with the durability and ease of installation alternative benefits came. The benefit of no consistent anchor spot attributed to tighter more consistent shots than ever before. With the Peep Eliminator® system there is only one thing to worry about and that is to line up your site with the rifle style rear Peep Eliminator® site. Moreover, with the ease of the aiming ability that is contributed with the rear site alignment I feel more confident which in turn will lead to great success in and off the field. With the openness of the rear site I found that in low light conditions the Peep Eliminator® is very successful. I found even without the light that the fiber optic beads on the Peep Eliminator ®were very receptive and allowed me to shoot later and earlier than ever before. With the acquired confidence that comes with the Peep Eliminator® I am finding myself with tact driving accuracy out to 50 yards and the ability to place shots within a pie plate out to 70 yards with little adjustment to my shot in all light conditions.
As a result of the Peep Eliminator® system I have accumulated much confidence in my shot in terms of archery shooting and in all hunting situations. With the Peep Eliminator® system I am comfortable saying that anyone can be successful due to the ease and utility effects of the archery hunter and/or shooter and I am proud to say that I am a Peep Eliminator® user.
Thank you,
Melvin Dein contacted me and asked me if I would be willing to give a product that will enable rifle like accuracy to a bow a shot, I immediately said "absolutely"!! He is the main man and super guy behind the Peep Eliminator® a great device to achieve quicker target acquisition, shoot earlier and later and be able to shoot 1 pin out to 30-40 yards depending on your particular set up.
I received the Peep Eliminator® in short order and I couldn't wait to get it put on and see how it works. Anything to make the shot more accurate, in low light and shoot further without using a different pin; Well, this product answers that call! It is simple to set up, follow the directions and it will be ready to shoot in a matter of minutes!
Once you get it on the bow, let the fun begin!
They come in 4 different configurations: Single Green Dot, Extender Green dot (has an adjustable slide bar) Dominate eye sight and a verifier in 2x or 4x magnification. Those of you, who carry the bow in the field or on those remote hunts, will be interested to know that they are very light weight, ranging from a mere 1.6 ounces to 8.7 ounces. The decision is yours to make on which one you want, but if you have any questions please don't hesitate to call Melvin, he is fantastic and will be able to help you decide in a quick minute. One final great feature they have available is a sight light for those magical first or last 10-15 minutes of the hunting day.
I currently shoot a Mathews Z7, and a Vital Bow Gear Star Trac single pin sight. Mounting it was super easy, the aperture lined up well with my VBG, the only thing I really had to do was adjust my sight out just a little bit to accommodate the thickness of the mounting plate on the Peep Eliminator®. The graduation marks on both axis of the sight is wonderful, easy to read and makes it easy to mark exactly where your 20 yard starting point is. You do not have to do this, but I find it a useful reference point if I ever have to remove a sight component for whatever reason. Shooting the new sight is definitely different, especially when you have shot for 20 plus years with just a peep sight. I did notice that if forces you to keep the same anchor point, and will tell on you if you torque the bow one way or the other, because you will lose your front pin. But after 5-10 shots, I did notice that my groups were tighter and that the consistency is there as well.
Overall, Shooting with the Peep Eliminator® is quite the experience, for some shooters it may not be for you, but it will be a definite advantage in low light and when those sneaky bucks show up at the beginning or end of the day, this will allow you to make that shot confidently! I personally think target shooters will benefit tremendously from it ensuring that the bow is completely level which will in turn increase your accuracy!
I would recommend this product to anyone who wants to improve accuracy, shoot earlier and later and eliminate the peep sight from your string! If you have any questions; or even need help setting it up give Melvin Deien at Peep Eliminator® a call at 618-526-4427 or to place an order. Melvin is always there to answer any questions you have, and you will be hard pressed to find a better customer service representative than the founder and inventor or this amazing sight!
Scott Stover
Nashville, GA
See Me Pro Staffer
Flying Arrow Archery Field Staff
Black Eagle Arrows Field Staff